Liberal Judaism Biennial Weekend report and photos

2 July 2018 Liberal Judaism members from all around the UK and beyond took part in an “inspirational” Biennial Weekend – discussing the next steps in liturgy, theology, policy, outreach work and shared values that will drive Progressive Judaism forward both in Britain and around the world. For the first … Read More

Eight reasons to attend the Liberal Judaism Biennial

3 May 2018 The Liberal Judaism Biennial Weekend is now just eight weeks away. Our movement’s flagship event takes place from Friday June 29 – Sunday July 1 at the St Johns Hotel, just outside of Birmingham, and promises something for everyone. Here are eight reasons why you should join … Read More

Board of Deputies CEO Gillian Merron to speak at Biennial Weekend

26 April 2018 Gillian Merron, the chief executive of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, will be one of two keynote speakers at the upcoming Liberal Judaism Biennial Weekend. Gillian will be tackling contemporary issues facing Jews in Britain, including the disturbing rise in antisemitism and the recent #EnoughIsEnough … Read More

A word from our keynote speaker Rabbi Danny Freedlander

Rabbi Danny Freedlander May 2017 World Union of Progressive Judaism Conference “From the beginning, Judaism has evolved. From the Judaism of Abraham and Sarah to the Judaism of Moses and Miriam. From the heritage of the wilderness to the future of the Promised Land. From the priestly cult of the … Read More

Israel Update: Women of the Wall subjected to body searches

24 August 2017 Despite an order by the High Court of Justice in Israel banning them, invasive body searches of women at the Western Wall complex in Jerusalem are still being carried out. Daisy Bogod, a young London-based Progressive Jew who works within both Reform Judaism and Liberal Judaism in … Read More

Gusti Yehoshua Braverman announced as AGM guest speaker

29 June 2017 We are pleased to announce that Gusti Yehoshua Braverman will be the speaker for this year’s Liberal Judaism AGM meeting. This essential meeting which brings together representatives from all our communities and which is open to all members, will take place at the Montagu Centre next week. … Read More

Liberals lead the way at World Union Conference

26 May 2017 Liberal Judaism’s rabbis, officers and members played a leading role in the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) Connections 2017 Conference. The Biennial event was this year held in Jerusalem and was attended by Liberal Judaism’s senior rabbi, Rabbi Danny Rich, chair Simon Benscher, president Rabbi Dr … Read More

Landmark Kotel service at WUPJ Conference

19 May 2017 British Liberal and Reform Judaism rabbis and members took part in a landmark service at the Kotel – which included a Torah reading with all genders participating. The senior rabbis of both movements, Rabbis Danny Rich and Laura Janner-Klausner, carried the scrolls during the service (pictured), which … Read More

IMPJ Yom Ha’atzmaut Appeal 2017

27 April 2017 The Alliance for Progressive Judaism’s Israel Desk would like to wish you Yom Hatzmaut Sameach! As we celebrate Israel’s 69th Birthday let’s take the time think of our sister movement in Israel, the Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism, the great work they do in Israel … Read More

Rabbi Charley Baginsky to lead global Shabbat

16 September 2016 Rabbi Charley Baginsky – Liberal Judaism’s director of strategy and partnerships – will lead the Shabbat service at next year’s World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) conference. Held in Jerusalem from May 17-20, the Connections 2017 event promises to be an exciting and inspiring gathering of the … Read More