Don’t let dogma divide us

Lucian J Hudson 13 October 2010 The Guardian The faultline is deepening between those who see themselves as having a faith and those who do not. And it is deepening in part because of a mistaken perception one side has of the other: that only one world view can prevail. … Read More

Shabbat – the Heart of Jewish Life

Rabbi Janet Burden 14 December 2006 The New Statesman The rabbi explains the sabbath – a day of rest and worship Ethical monotheism is indisputably the foundation of Judaism, its intellectual core. No matter how pure and grand that concept is, however, I do not believe that it alone would … Read More

Jewish Beliefs and Practice

Rabbi Janet Burden 13 December 2006 The New Statesman   What Jews believe and how the rules of Judaism get applied in practice.   Having been invited to write these pieces as a religious Jew, you may be wondering why I have said so little about Jewish beliefs in my … Read More

Reflections on Jewish Identity

Rabbi Janet Burden 12 December 2006 The New Statesman How Jews are not simply a race or a religion – they are an extended family with all that implies. The word used for people who change their religions is ‘convert.’ I prefer the term ‘Jew-by-choice’ to describe my own identity. … Read More