Yvette Cooper joins Rabbi Harry Jacobi in refugee call

21 April 2016 Rabbi Harry Jacobi has given testimony to the House of Commons about his refugee journey to the UK, escaping Nazi persecution in May 1940, in order to help politicians understand the experience of today’s young refugees. Harry spoke powerfully alongside former Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, Lord … Read More

Liberal Judaism joins call to take more refugees

15 March 2016 Faith leaders and MPs call on government to admit 50,000 Syrian refugees on fifth anniversary of Syria conflict Civil society leaders, including Tim Farron MP, Leader of the Liberal Democrats, and Natalie Bennett, Leader of the Green Party, today (15 March) marked the fifth anniversary of the … Read More

Birmingham celebrates 80th anniversary with refugee appeal

9 December 2015 Birmingham Progressive Synagogue (BPS) highlighted the needs of refugees fleeing poverty and persecution at a service to mark the community’s 80th anniversary year. Rabbi Dr Margaret Jacobi, of BPS, told guests that in the current climate of increasingly “difficult and worrying times”, vital work to protect the … Read More

Barnet Council to resettle 50 refugees after FPS action

FPS and Citizens UK

7 October 2015 Finchley Progressive Synagogue and Rabbi Rebecca Qassim Birk hosted a successful Barnet Citizens action over Sukkot, which saw Barnet Council agree to resettle 50 Syrian refugees. As part of Liberal Judaism and Citizens UK’s Sanctuary campaign – which began last Sukkot – the event was hosted in … Read More

We will rise again to help refugees

Rabbi Danny Rich 17 September 2015 On Yom Kippur afternoon, the Torah reading in all Liberal synagogues is the Holiness Code (Leviticus 19) in which congregants will hear: Lo ta-amod al dam ray’echa (verse 16). Like all Biblical verses, it is likely that its original meaning is lost in antiquity … Read More