Statement on the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

Biden and Harris

By Rabbi Rebecca Birk and Rabbi Dr René Pfertzel Co-Chairs of the Conference of Liberal Rabbis and Cantors This week’s inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris glowed both with diversity and possibility; of age, gender and background. We welcome their spirit and expression of collaboration and … Read More

Biennial At Home keynote speakers announced

Biennial weekend keynote speakers

5 May 2020 Matthew Gould, Danny Finkelstein and Rabbi Danny Rich will be the keynote speakers at Liberal Judaism’s upcoming Biennial At Home event. The Biennial At Home will take place from Friday 22 to Sunday 24 May and will use the latest technology to bring our movement’s flagship event … Read More

Watch our conversation with the Israeli Ambassador

Israeli Ambassador Mark Regev in conversation

Thursday 23 April Liberal Judaism is proud to have presented a conversation with Israel’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Mark Regev, earlier today. The Ambassador spoke live to Liberal Judaism’s Director of Strategy and Partnerships Rabbi Charley Baginsky and Officer with Responsibility for Israel and the Diaspora Graham Carpenter, as … Read More

[Opinion] Rabbi Lea comments on Trump’s peace plan

Rabbi Lea Mühlstein 29 January 2020 In Hebrew the word for peace, shalom, is closely related to the word for whole, shalem. From this we learn that in order for us to achieve peace, each side involved in the conflict needs to be able to regain a sense of wholeness. … Read More

Lord Mann to give keynote speech at Annual Fundraising Dinner

18 December 2019 Liberal Judaism is delighted to announce Lord (John) Mann as the keynote speaker for the upcoming Annual Fundraising Dinner at Goldsmiths’ Hall on Thursday 6 February 2020. Lord Mann is the Government’s Independent Adviser on Antisemitism. He recently took up his seat in the House of Lords, … Read More

Liberal Judaism statement on the General Election

LJ Statement Logo Star

13 December 2019 As Jews we feel a deep responsibility to engage in elections. Many of us see voting as a primary obligation. This election has felt personal in ways that we can never have imagined. We have witnessed the ways in which it has torn people apart and brought … Read More

Statement on London Bridge terrorist attack

LJ Statement Logo Star

2 December 2019 Liberal Judaism joins with all those who mourn for Saskia Jones and Jack Merritt – the two victims of another awful terrorist attack on British soil. Saskia and Jack may never have heard the Jewish term of tikkun olam (repairing the world) but they were certainly practitioners … Read More

[Opinion] Should our Jewish values influence our vote?

Rabbi Alexandra Wright 22 November 2019 Parashat Va-yera includes several significant stories – including the expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael and the Akedah, the binding of Isaac. But between these two accounts of Abraham as a husband and father, we come across twelve verses that turn our attention to Abraham … Read More

Protesting against Chinese persecution of Muslims

4 November 2019 Two Liberal Jewish families used their half term holidays to join the weekly demonstration outside the Chinese Cultural Embassy to draw attention to the three million Uyghur and other minority Muslims incarcerated by the Chinese in concentration camps. Northwood & Pinner Liberal Synagogue’s Rabbi Aaron Goldstein and … Read More