Progressive values put into action at Mayoral Assembly

Rabbi Rebecca Birk Co-Chairs Mayoral Assembly

Rabbi Rebecca Birk (pictured) of Finchley Progressive Synagogue (FPS) Co-Chaired the London Citizens Mayoral Accountability Assembly, which was addressed by London Mayor Sadiq Khan. More than 2,000 people attended the event, where the Mayor was invited onstage to commit to pledges on work and wages, migration and housing. His election … Read More

Progressive Judaism Co-Leads join Mayor for Trafalgar Square Iftar

Rabbis Josh Levy and Charley Baginsky with Mayor Sadiq Khan at London Iftar

Rabbis Charley Baginsky and Josh Levy, the Co-Leads of Progressive Judaism, joined London Mayor Sadiq Khan for a large scale open-air interfaith Iftar held in Trafalgar Square. Despite bad weather, thousands gathered for the Ramadan fast-breaking event. Rabbis Josh and Charley were joined by many others from the Jewish community … Read More

Progressive Judaism Leads at 10 Downing Street

Rabbis Charley Baginsky and Josh Levy at 10 Downing Street

Progressive Judaism Co-Leads Rabbis Josh Levy and Charley Baginsky were invited to 10 Downing Street to meet with No10’s Policy Unit.They said: “It was an excellent meeting, where we able to discuss the importance of the Progressive Judaism voice and how Government policy can support our members, students and communities.”

Receiving support from political leaders

Rabbis Josh Levy and Charley Baginsky with Yvette Cooper

The leaders of Progressive Judaism have met with Ministers, Mayors and MPs from across the political spectrum, all of whom have shown support for Israel and the Jewish community in the UK. Movement CEOs Rabbi Charley Baginsky and Rabbi Josh Levy spoke with Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper in the … Read More

Statement on MP’s unacceptable comments about asylum seekers

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Liberal Judaism’s rabbis have raised concern at remarks made by Lee Anderson MP on Tuesday. A spokesperson for the Conference of Liberal Rabbis and Cantors said: “As British Jewish leaders, we are only too aware of the impact that hostility towards minorities and immigrant communities can have. “Invective such as … Read More

Progressive Judaism leaders meet with Shadow Minister

Lisa Nandy with Rabbis Charley Baginsky and Josh Levy

Rabbis Josh Levy and Charley Baginsky – the CEOs of Reform and Liberal Judaism – met with Lisa Nandy MP, the Shadow Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. They were invited to the House of Commons by the Shadow Minister, who was keen to find out more … Read More

Free School Meals for All: Week of Action

Free School Meals for All graphic

Liberal Judaism and The Movement for Reform Judaism are supporting the Free School Meals for All: Week of Action, which takes place from 24-30 June. Organised by the No Child Left Behind coalition, it calls on the Prime Minister to follow in the footsteps of Scotland and Wales, and extend … Read More

Statement on the Israeli election and Religious Zionism Party

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Liberal Judaism and LJY-Netzer share the concern of so many in the British Jewish community for the future of Israel’s government following the 1 November election. The Religious Zionism Party of Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir ran a campaign that proudly displayed its racist, misogynist and homophobic views, as … Read More

[Video] Israeli election explainer with Rabbi Lea Mühlstein

Israel Election

Many of us are worried about the outcome of today’s Israeli elections. But do you want to understand how the system actually works? Rabbi Lea Mühlstein gave a talk – as part of the Leo Baeck College Lehrhaus adult Jewish learning programme – explaining in detail everything you need to know … Read More