Join a Liberal Judaism virtual Seder this Passover

Passover image

7 April 2020 The tradition of a big communal Seder in our Liberal Judaism congregations stretches back decades. These gatherings – often but not always held on the second night of Passover – see our synagogues and communal halls filled with people, song, prayer and, of course, food. Sadly this … Read More

Access three versions of the Liberal Judaism Haggadah

Liberal Judaism's Haggadah for the Days of Isolation

27 March 2020 Liberal Judaism has put three versions of its Haggadah online – so you can download and use whichever ones best fits the Seder you will be hosting this year, whether it’s a big family/communal event hosted via internet streaming or a small intimate affair for just those … Read More

Hold a Second Seder once this is all over

20 March 2020 Liberal Judaism is encouraging its members and communities to hold a Second Seder once this period of uncertainty and isolation/social distancing ends. Liberal Jews will be holding a Seder on the first night of Pesach this year as usual, but these will now be either virtual or … Read More

Pesach Message 5779

Rabbi Danny Rich April 2019 In a recent article in The Times newspaper I was drawn to a sentence which observed that ‘scientists know that memories are not fixed but are instead being continually reformed and reinterpreted by the brain each time they are recalled.’ It set me thinking about … Read More

[Blog] Online Seder was most meaningful ever

Linnea Hawkings 18 April 2017 Passover, Pesach, what does it really mean beside the evident celebration and retelling of the exodus from Egypt? Currently living outside of London I am not only the token Jew among my friends; for many of my colleagues and people I meet aged 22 to … Read More

Join a Liberal Jewish communal seder

3 April 2017 Liberal Jewish synagogues and congregations around the UK will be holding Communal Passover Seders next Monday (10 April) and Tuesday (11 April). The Seders vary in format, food and price, but all promise an inclusive, educational and fun experience, led by rabbis and lay leaders and steeped … Read More

A prayer to mark the Shabbat following the Queen’s 90th birthday

by Rabbi Alexandra Wright 21 April 2016 Eternal God, whose dominion embraces the universe, we ask for Your blessing on our Sovereign Lady, Queen Elizabeth, who this week celebrated her 90th birthday. We give thanks for the precious gift of years and health, for her unwavering duty and dedication with … Read More

Yvette Cooper joins Rabbi Harry Jacobi in refugee call

21 April 2016 Rabbi Harry Jacobi has given testimony to the House of Commons about his refugee journey to the UK, escaping Nazi persecution in May 1940, in order to help politicians understand the experience of today’s young refugees. Harry spoke powerfully alongside former Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, Lord … Read More