Progressive Co-Lead joins Archbishop to launch Big Help Out

Rabbi Charley Baginsky with other faith leaders at Big Help Out launch

Progressive Judaism Co-Lead Rabbi Charley Baginsky and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby have led the calls for members of British faith groups to get involved with the Big Help Out – a weekend of volunteering that will take place in June. A launch event took place at an interfaith iftar … Read More

National press cover Alyth Iftar as faiths come together

Imam Mehmed Stublla gives the call to prayer from the Alyth Bimah

Alyth Synagogue hosted its 11th annual fast-breaking Ramadan Iftar meal for Muslim friends and neighbours. A key part of the Alyth calendar, this year’s event had the theme of ‘friendship across difference’ and looked at how to maintain good relations between Jewish and Muslim communities in the UK at a … Read More

Birmingham Progressive hosts Friday Night Iftar for asylum seekers

Birmingham Progressive Synagogue Iftar

Birmingham Progressive Synagogue hosted an interfaith ‘Friday Night Iftar’ – in partnership with a number of local mosques and community groups – to focus on bringing people together in Birmingham and welcoming asylum seekers to the city. It combined a traditional Jewish Friday night dinner, to mark the start of … Read More

Progressive rabbi gives blessing at Commonwealth Service

Rabbi Debbie Young-Somers at the Commonwealth Day Service of Celebration

Rabbi Debbie Young-Somers (pictured) offered the blessing on behalf of the Jewish community at the Commonwealth Day Service of Celebration at Westminster Abbey, broadcast on BBC1. Explaining how, in the Torah, our ancestors are shown as flawed leaders who learn and grow on their journey, Rabbi Debbie quoted the Book … Read More

Progressive Rabbi leads multi-faith Peace Walk

Peace Walk

Rabbi Alexandra Wright represented Progressive Judaism, as she led a Peace Walk in London. With more than 30 ongoing conflicts around the world, particularly the current war in Israel and Gaza, the silent walk and vigil saw Rabbi Alexandra and other faith representatives share prayers and words calling for peace. … Read More

Welcoming the new Bishop of Lincoln

Richard Dale and Bishop of Lincoln

The President of Lincolnshire Jewish Community, Richard Dale, represented non-Christian faiths at the Enthronement of the new Bishop of Lincoln, presenting him with an inscribed leather-bound copy of Siddur Lev Chadash (pictured above). Rt Revd Stephen Conway became the 73rd person to hold the role in a joyful and celebratory … Read More

Gallery: Progressive Jewish communities on Chanukah 2024

This Chanukah saw Progressive Jewish communities light up the UK, hosting festive parties and celebrations to bring brightness and warmth in what have been difficult times. To reach as many members as possible, as well as friends and neighbours, celebrations were held in a variety of venues – from construction … Read More

Standing together in solidarity and shared values

Progressive clergy and members were among the thousands of people of all faiths and none who took part in the Together for Humanity vigil in London this Sunday. Rabbi Rebecca Birk (pictured above) and Rabbi Shulamit Ambalu stood alongside other senior faith leaders as they lit lanterns in a stand … Read More

Join us this Sunday for the #Together4Humanity vigil

Progressive Judaism is proud to be part of the #Together4Humanity vigil this Sunday (3 December) at 3pm opposite Downing Street. Please save the date, spread the word and join us there. Rabbi Rebecca Birk will light a lantern of peace and mourning at the event on behalf of our Progressive … Read More

Progressive communities come together on Mitzvah Day

From Edgware to Edinburgh, and even inside 10 Downing Street, Progressive Judaism communities and members all across the country did good deeds to help others on Mitzvah Day.  Movement heads Rabbis Josh Levy and Charley Baginsky led the way, joining with Muslim leaders and volunteers in two unique interfaith events.  … Read More