Liberal youth join March of the Living

21 April 2016 Five young Liberal Jews joined 11,000 people from around the world taking part in this year’s March of the Living. The March of the Living is an annual educational program, which brings students from all over the globe to Poland, in order to study the history of … Read More

Yvette Cooper joins Rabbi Harry Jacobi in refugee call

21 April 2016 Rabbi Harry Jacobi has given testimony to the House of Commons about his refugee journey to the UK, escaping Nazi persecution in May 1940, in order to help politicians understand the experience of today’s young refugees. Harry spoke powerfully alongside former Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, Lord … Read More

Nottingham Liberal’s Czech mates

Nottingham Liberal Synagogue in the Czech Republic

25 November 2015 Twenty-five members of Nottingham Liberal Synagogue (NLS), including Rabbi Tanya Sakhnovich, hit the headlines in the Czech Republic after visiting the town that their synagogue is linked to via a Torah scroll. Taking their 10th group trip to the country, the community were based in the small Moravian … Read More

An amazing and engaging way to educate the young

Simon Rothstein 15 October 2015 Simon Rothstein is editor of LJ Today Like any parent with young children, I don’t know where to begin when it comes to teaching them about the Holocaust. How can you explain such horror and evil on such a huge scale? How do you try … Read More