Rabbi Harry Jacobi z”l: “…the archetypal mensch”

April 2019 Many from Liberal Judaism and beyond have shared their memories of Rabbi Harry Jacobi z”l, some of which have been collected below. If you’d like to submit your memories of Rabbi Harry please email pr@liberaljudaism.org. Click here to read more about Rabbi Harry. “I will always remember Harry … Read More

Righteous gentiles

  Originally written for the Birmingham Jewish Newsletter   This week’s sidra is named after Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law. It begins with Jethro advising Moses on how to set up a system of courts of law so that the people do not have to stand all day waiting for Moses to … Read More

[Sermon] Antisemitism and the Chosen People

  Tevye the milkman, in Fiddler on the Roof, said, “I know, I know. We are Your chosen people. But once in a while, can’t You choose someone else?” It is not easy to be God’s chosen people, as we are especially aware as we commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day this … Read More

[Speech] Never again!

  Originally given at Brighton Holocaust Memorial Day Public Meeting   Good evening, everyone. The theme of this year’s National Holocaust Memorial Day commemorations is ‘Torn From Home’. We are painfully aware that hundreds of thousands of people across the world are torn from their homes each year and find … Read More

Why ‘Torn from Home’ theme for Holocaust Memorial Day resonates

  Originally published by The Comet newspaper   Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) is commemorated annually on January 27 and, each year, the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust offers a theme to direct our minds to some aspect of the Holocaust or the subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Dafur. This … Read More

[Blog] New Ways to Remember the Shoah

Having read of a survey that shows an increasing number of people in this country either know nothing about the Shoah or doubt it even happened we know why ever more effort needs to be made to keep alive the memory of this tragedy and the lessons it might teach … Read More

Kingston synagogues unite for Holocaust education project

Annick Lever at Kingston Liberal Synagogue Holocaust Memorial Day education project

More than 1,000 Kingston school children are attending a joint Holocaust education project run by the Liberal and Orthodox synagogues in the area. Kingston Liberal Synagogue has teamed up with Kingston, Surbiton and District Synagogue – an Orthodox community that is part of the United Synagogue – for the Holocaust … Read More

[Blog] Lest we forget?

Rabbi Nathan Godleman December 2018 I am writing this month’s column on a flight to Heathrow from Berlin, having spent the last seven days as a guest of the German foreign office. One of five UK-based rabbis, we joined a group of ten Canadians on a tour entitled ‘Jewish Life … Read More

Walk 10,000 steps to honour the 10,000 Kindertransport children

23 October 2018 A special walk will take place on Sunday 2 December to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Kindertransport. Those taking part will walk 10,000 steps (approximately five miles) from The Liberal Jewish Synagogue (LJS) in St John’s Wood to Liverpool Street station. The distance was selected in … Read More

‘I can’t believe the coincidence’

By Alison Turner Liberal Judaism Archivist This is a remarkable story from the archives of war-time memoirs returned to the family that wrote them. Vanessa Wolfman of Rye, East Sussex, phoned me offering books and papers from her late father, Mr J Wolfman of Liverpool. I was glad to have … Read More