European Progressive Jews unite for Pride Shabbat

EUPJ Pride Shabbat

By Rabbi René Pfertzel Kingston Liberal Synagogue and Co-Chair of the Conference of Liberal Rabbis and Cantors Last Shabbat (Saturday 3 July) saw more than 100 Progressive Jews, from all over Europe, mark Pride Month under the auspices of the European Union for Progressive Judaism (EUPJ). It started with a … Read More

Liberal rabbis attend European Shabbaton and Kallah

Progressive Rabbis at the ERA Kallah in Rome

27 May 2019 A number of Liberal Judaism and Reform Judaism rabbis from the UK attended the European Union for Progressive Judaism (EUPJ) Shabbaton and European Rabbinic Assembly (ERA) Kallah in Rome. The ERA is chaired by Rabbi Dr René Pfertzel, who represented Liberal Judaism along with Rabbis Dr Andrew … Read More

A tribute to Rabbi Harry Jacobi z”l

25 April 2019 Tributes from all over the Jewish community, and beyond, have poured in for Liberal Judaism vice president Rabbi Harry Jacobi MBE – who passed away peacefully on Wednesday morning, aged 93. In the words of his children, Harry “was clear-minded to the end and faced this head-on, … Read More

Explore Israel and Europe with LJY-Netzer this summer

13 December 2018 LJY-Netzer is delighted to announce the details of this summer’s Israel Tour and Kayitz Tzuf Europe Tour. LJY-Netzer’s Israel Tour, which begins on 14 July, is a trip down the length and breadth one of the most fascinating and complicated countries on the planet for those in … Read More

Liberal rabbi is new chair of European Rabbinic Assembly

31 May 2018 Liberal Judaism’s Rabbi Dr René Pfertzel is the new chair of the European Union for Progressive Judaism Rabbinic Assembly (ERA). René, a French-born rabbi who serves Kingston Liberal Synagogue, was voted into the position when more than 40 ministers from across the continent came together for the … Read More

Order your Rabbi Lionel Blue memorial magazine

Rabbi Lionel Blue, picture by Ajamu

European Judaism, the journal of Leo Baeck College, will be publishing a memorial issue for Rabbi Lionel Blue z’l in spring 2018. It will contain tributes and memories from around 40 contributors, including those Lionel taught, influenced and encountered – on all of whom he had a profound impact. The … Read More

Progressive Judaism growing in Europe

4 December 2017 The European Union for Progressive Judaism (EUPJ) – of which Liberal Judaism is a member – has opened a European Union Office in Brussels. Leslie Bergman, who has led the initiative on behalf of EUPJ, said “With the ever-expanding presence of Progressive congregations in the EU, it … Read More

Israel Update: Women of the Wall subjected to body searches

24 August 2017 Despite an order by the High Court of Justice in Israel banning them, invasive body searches of women at the Western Wall complex in Jerusalem are still being carried out. Daisy Bogod, a young London-based Progressive Jew who works within both Reform Judaism and Liberal Judaism in … Read More

Israel Ambassador expresses empathy for progressive concerns

7 July 2017 Rabbis covering the spectrum of British Progressive Jewry met with Mark Regev, the Ambassador of Israel, to express their outrage regarding the Israeli Government’s decisions to abandon the plan for an egalitarian prayer space at the Kotel (Western Wall) and to progress a Conversion Bill that would … Read More