MP shares Progressive rabbi’s concerns with Parliament

Greg Smith MP spoke to Parliament about the concerns of South Bucks Jewish Community (SBJC) and Rabbi Neil Janes, after spending Chanukah with the congregation (pictured). Speaking in the House of Commons this week, the Conservative MP for Buckingham said: “I was privileged to join the South Bucks Jewish Community … Read More

Liberal Judaism Community Briefings return

Liberal Judaism’s online Community Briefings return for 2024 – starting this Thursday (11 January) with Charley’s Open House. Join Liberal Judaism CEO and Progressive Judaism Co-Lead Rabbi Charley Baginsky from 8-9pm. This is your chance to chat about anything that is on your mind regarding faith, community or what lies … Read More

‘Top marks’ for Progressive Jewish education leaders

A ‘revolution in Jewish education’ for a more enlightened future is now underway after more than 100 Progressive cheder heads, rabbis, general teachers and education leaders met to discuss a range of changes necessary to fit the needs of today’s young people. It was the first joint Reform and Liberal … Read More

EcoShabbat: Resources and ideas for this weekend

This Friday night and Saturday (1-2 December) is EcoShabbat. Supported by Progressive Judaism, EcoShabbat provides the opportunity to learn, discuss, commit and act in ways to improve sustainability as both an individual and community. Below you can watch a video of Rabbi Tanya Sakhnovich – one of the Progressive rabbis … Read More

Liberal Jew at Hereford Cathedral

Hereford Cathedral School

By Alison Turner Liberal Judaism Archivist Earlier this year, I addressed the senior school assembly of Hereford Cathedral School… held in the Cathedral itself. I spoke about lifelong learning, starting with my own schooldays when they said that the world was changing so fast they could not possibly teach us … Read More

Learning Pirkei Avot – Wednesday nights on Zoom

LJ Pirkei Avot learning

Members and friends of Liberal Judaism are warmly invited to learn Pirkei Avot with our rabbis every Wednesday night between Pesach and Shavuot. Please join us and let others know about this wonderful adult learning experience. Sessions will take place every Wednesday of the Omer from 8-9pm on Zoom. To register, … Read More

Ensuring that Zohar’s impact never stops

Zohar Dean Trust

A Trust has been set up in memory of Zohar Dean Collins, the LJY-Netzer youth leader who died in a sudden tragic event in June 2022. The Zohar Dean Trust will support meaningful causes that were close to the award-winning physics student’s heart and seek to enable young people to … Read More

Wednesday 14 December: Education Hub with Rabbi Gabriel Kanter-Webber

Education Hub (2)

Liberal Judaism’s Education Hub concludes for this term on Wednesday 14 December at 7.30pm with a session delivered by Rabbi Gabriel Kanter-Webber on Liberal Jewish values and social engagement Describing his session, Gabriel said: “What connects Noah’s ark and the soup protest in the National Gallery? This session will explore … Read More

Wednesday 7 December: Education Hub with Rabbi Neil Janes

Education Hub (2)

Liberal Judaism’s Education Hub continues on Wednesday 7 December with a session delivered by Rabbi Neil Janes on ‘Rabbinic Literature and its relevance to Liberal Jewish Values today’. Describing his session, Neil said: “In 1924, Israel Abrahams, the great friend of Claude Montefiore and scholar of Judaism, succeeded Solomon Schechter … Read More

Wednesday 30 November: Education Hub with Rabbi Dr Charles Middleburgh

Education Hub (2)

Liberal Judaism’s Education Hub continues tonight (Wednesday 30 November) with a session delivered by Rabbi Dr Charles Middleburgh, Dean of Leo Baeck College, on ‘How the Psalms inspire Liberal Jewish values’. The Book of Psalms is Israel’s love letter to its God. But as with all intimate correspondence, moods and … Read More