An insight into faith in prison

12 January 2016 Rabbi Danny Rich, the senior rabbi of Liberal Judaism and a prison and hospital chaplain, has given an insight into prison life for people of faith. Delivering a speech to the Council of Christians and Jews, and then to Limmud, Danny discussed what prison chaplaincy, as he … Read More

An insight into faith in prison

12 January 2016 Rabbi Danny Rich, the senior rabbi of Liberal Judaism and a prison and hospital chaplain, has given an insight into prison life for people of faith. Delivering a speech to the Council of Christians and Jews, and then to Limmud, Danny discussed what prison chaplaincy, as he … Read More

Liberal Judaism Welcomes Report on Religion and Belief in Public Life

7th December 2015 Today’s report from the Commission on Religion and Belief in Public Life, recognising the growing diversity of religious and non-religious belief in Britain, has been welcomed by Liberal Judaism as a “significant step forward”. Commenting on its recommendations, Rabbi Danny Rich, the chief executive and senior rabbi … Read More

Liberal Judaism welcomes report on religion and belief in public life

7 December 2015 Today’s report from the Commission on Religion and Belief in Public Life, recognising the growing diversity of religious and non-religious belief in Britain, has been welcomed by Liberal Judaism as a “significant step forward”. Commenting on its recommendations, Rabbi Danny Rich, the chief executive and senior rabbi of … Read More

A prayer for Paris

16 November 2015 On Sunday evening, Liberal Judaism’s senior rabbi, Rabbi Danny Rich, joined hundreds of people showing their solidarity with Paris in an inter-faith vigil, organised by Citizens UK. Taking place outside City Hall in London, people of all faiths, and none, came together as one to condemn the … Read More

A Prayer for Paris

16th November 2015 On Sunday evening, Liberal Judaism’s senior rabbi, Rabbi Danny Rich, joined hundreds of people showing their solidarity with Paris in an inter-faith vigil, organised by Citizens UK. Taking place outside City Hall in London, people of all faiths, and none, came together as one to condemn the … Read More

Join our South West Shabbaton

Liberal Judaism’s next regional Shabbaton is set for Saturday November 28, from 10am – 6pm. The South West Shabbaton will take place at the Jury’s Inn, Wiltshire. A relaxing day of Jewish learning, services and community, speakers will include Liberal Judaism’s senior rabbi, Rabbis Danny Rich, as well as Rabbis … Read More