Receiving support from political leaders

Rabbis Josh Levy and Charley Baginsky with Yvette Cooper

The leaders of Progressive Judaism have met with Ministers, Mayors and MPs from across the political spectrum, all of whom have shown support for Israel and the Jewish community in the UK. Movement CEOs Rabbi Charley Baginsky and Rabbi Josh Levy spoke with Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper in the … Read More

Progressive Jewish leaders meet with Met Police

Progressive Judaism CEOs Rabbi Charley Baginsky and Rabbi Josh Levy met with the Metropolitan Police at New Scotland Yard. They said: “It was good to join with other Jewish organisations to hear from the police about the extraordinary work that they are doing to keep our communities around the UK … Read More

Progressive Judaism tour hits Finchley Reform

Rabbis Josh Levy and Charley Baginsky visited Finchley Reform Synagogue to meet members and share exciting updates as the Movement for Reform Judaism and Liberal Judaism unite to create one Progressive Judaism for the UK. It was wonderful to hear all the feedback and ideas – as well as the … Read More

Rosh Hashanah message from Progressive Judaism CEOs

Rosh Hashanah greeting

A Rosh Hashanah message from Rabbi Charley Baginsky and Rabbi Josh Levy, the CEOs of Liberal and Reform Judaism: The Yamim Noraim are a time for reflection; for pressing pause to think back on the year that has passed and imagine what the next year might bring. This year, reviewing … Read More

Progressive rabbis attend Israel protest in London

Israel Democracy Protest

Progressive Judaism’s rabbis and leaders were among 200 people gathered in Parliament Square last weekend, attending a protest against the Israeli Government’s judicial overhaul. Liberal Judaism CEO Rabbi Charley Baginsky – pictured at the demonstration with Reform Judaism’s Rabbi Colin Eimer – sent a strong message of support on behalf … Read More

Liberal and Reform Boards united at first joint meeting

Liberal and Reform Judaism Board members with the movement CEOs

The Boards of Reform and Liberal Judaism have outlined their steadfast commitment to creating one new unified Progressive Judaism, after a successful first joint meeting. While acknowledging that there is much work to be done, the informal gathering agreed that there is a real desire to work together in true … Read More

Progressive Judaism statement on Israel judicial overhaul

Israel's flag

Progressive Judaism in the UK strongly condemns the current Israeli Government’s reshaping of the country’s justice system, including the forcing through of the first stage of its judicial overhaul. We stand united against this week’s vote and the continued efforts of the Israeli Government to change the democratic character of … Read More