End of Dubs Amendment is ‘shameful decision’

10 February 2017 – 14 Shevat 5777

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10 February 2017
By Rabbi Danny Rich, senior rabbi of Liberal Judaism

Less than a year ago, the Dubs Amendment offered the promise of hope to as many as 3,000 children. This figure was already far fewer than the estimated 95,000 children seeking refuge from the horrors of war and poverty.

We have now seen that hope ripped away. I am incredibly disappointed by this decision.

Little more than a tenth of the proposed children have been given refuge in the UK. It amounts to around 350 children.

This is not only a terrible tragedy, but it is a betrayal of the British sense of justice, and Jewish values.

This is a shameful decision by the government.

Click here to read more on The Guardian website


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