Advisory Board Chair on continuing our work to build bridges

9 April 2024 – 1 Nisan 5784

Dr Ed Kessler on The Rest Is Politics

Dr Ed Kessler MBE, the Chair of the Progressive Judaism Advisory Board, appeared on The Rest is Politics to discuss the war in Israel and Gaza and what happens next both there and for interfaith work in the UK.

Ed is Founder President of the Woolf Institute and a leading thinker in interfaith relations. He told Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart, who host the award-winning podcast, that he remains optimistic, despite the very difficult situation.

Ed said: “I’m an optimist. All war comes to an end. There will be a resolution at some point. So we need to start thinking about the day after. We have to deal with our differences and start a dialogue about what we have in common.

“A lot of good interfaith work is still happening. But we must rebuild the trust that is missing right now. We must continue to work to build bridges.”

Listen to the full conversation here.

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