Progressive Judaism Co-Leads join Mayor for Trafalgar Square Iftar

9 April 2024 – 1 Nisan 5784

Rabbis Josh Levy and Charley Baginsky with Mayor Sadiq Khan at London Iftar

Rabbis Charley Baginsky and Josh Levy, the Co-Leads of Progressive Judaism, joined London Mayor Sadiq Khan for a large scale open-air interfaith Iftar held in Trafalgar Square.

Despite bad weather, thousands gathered for the Ramadan fast-breaking event. Rabbis Josh and Charley were joined by many others from the Jewish community – including New Israel Fund Chair Noeleen Cohen, Mitzvah Day Chair Laura Marks, Holocaust Memorial Day Trust CEO Olivia Marks-Woldman.

Rabbi Charley said: “The rain did not dampen our commitment to once more be with our Muslim friends and neighbours.”

The Mayor added: “Thousands of Londoners from across faiths and backgrounds came together in Trafalgar Square for this special Iftar. It was a fantastic example of how we celebrate and cherish our diversity.”

Many other Progressive clergy have attended local/national Ramadan fast-breaking events, while Iftars have also been held inside Finchley Progressive, Birmingham Progressive, Oaks Lane Reform, Edgware and Hendon Reform and Alyth Synagogues.

Ramadan Iftar event

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