MP shares Progressive rabbi’s concerns with Parliament

12 January 2024 – 2 Shevat 5784

Greg Smith MP spoke to Parliament about the concerns of South Bucks Jewish Community (SBJC) and Rabbi Neil Janes, after spending Chanukah with the congregation (pictured).

Speaking in the House of Commons this week, the Conservative MP for Buckingham said: “I was privileged to join the South Bucks Jewish Community at a Chanukah event at Waddesdon Manor in my constituency, led by the wonderful Rabbi Neil Janes.

“The opening words he gave to that short ceremony really shocked me, where he said ‘we no longer feel confident to gather as a community’.”

Writing on his website, the MP added: “I proudly stand with all Jewish constituents. The horrors of antisemitism we are seeing in the UK and worldwide must be defeated.”

You can watch the video of the speech below.

Responding, Rabbi Neil said: “The steadfast support for Jewish life in Buckinghamshire is both significant and deeply appreciated.

“The trauma and fear of the small (though growing here in Bucks) Jewish community becomes surmountable with knowledge that we are not alone and the confidence to give public expression to our Judaism becomes more possible as a result.

“What is more, I do not underestimate the importance of SBJC Community being part of the official record of our shared British history. Thank you.”