Progressive Judaism will continue to bring hope

8 January 2024 – 27 Tevet 5784

Rabbi Charley Baginksy and Josh Levy

Rabbis Charley Baginsky and Josh Levy – the Co-Leads of Progressive Judaism – have written for the Jewish Chronicle, reflecting on the year gone by.

They outline how the announcement in April of the creation of one Progressive Judaism for the UK was a moment of hope and excitement – the most important development in Anglo-Jewry since the end of the Second World War.

They talk about the pain and mourning we have all suffered since 7 October and how the ongoing conflict in Israel/Gaza, and rise in both antisemitism and anti-Muslim hatred in the UK, has served as a reminder of why the Progressive Jewish voice must be heard.

Finally, they reflect on Chanukah and its visual illustration of just how far Progressive Judaism has come with our leadership attending and lighting candles at civic events in Parliament, 10 Downing Street, the Guildhall, Scotland Yard and Wembley Stadium.

Looking ahead to 2024, they conclude: “This year will be a time of change and transition. Progressive Judaism will continue to bring moments of hope and light in what are often difficult times.”

Click here to read their JC article.

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