[Video] Israeli election explainer with Rabbi Lea Mühlstein

1 November 2022 – 7 Heshvan 5783

Israel Election

Many of us are worried about the outcome of today’s Israeli elections. But do you want to understand how the system actually works?

Rabbi Lea Mühlstein gave a talk – as part of the Leo Baeck College Lehrhaus adult Jewish learning programme – explaining in detail everything you need to know to understand what is happening today.

You can watch it below:

Rabbi Lea Mühlstein is Senior Rabbi at The Ark Synagogue (NPLS). She is the International Chair of Arzenu – The Political Voice of Reform, Progressive and Liberal Religious Zionists. In her role as Arzenu Chair, she has the privilege of working alongside the Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism and the World Union of Progressive Judaism in promoting Progressive Jewish values in the Israeli political discourse.

Rabbi Lea Mühlstein will be part of this week’s Liberal Judaism Community Briefing, held on Thursday 3 November at 8pm, to discuss the results and what could happen next. To take part, please email Dan on d.kyle@liberaljudaism.org.

She will also deliver a post-election analysis for Leo Baeck’s Lehrhaus on Thursday 17 November. You can register for this free talk by clicking here.

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