Join our anniversary Education Hub on Wednesday nights

8 March 2022 – 5 Adar II 5782

Rabbi Mark Solomon

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Liberal Judaism’s Education Hub Series has been celebrating 120 years of our movement.

The first sessions took place in January and February looking at the people who have inspired us, from Lily Montagu and Rabbi Leo Baeck to Rabbi John Rayner and Rosita Rosenberg.

The next term, which begins tomorrow night (9 March), now examines how we practise – both in prayer and through the Liberal Jewish values of equality, inclusion and activism.

The sessions take place via Zoom on Wednesday nights at 7.30pm and will be:

Wednesday 9 March: Rabbi Mark Solomon – A Liberal Jewish approach to Jewish Status 

Wednesday 23 March: Rabbi Aaron Goldstein – Championing progress in JewISH marriage

Wednesday 30 March: Rabbi Elli Tikvah Sarah and Rabbi Lea Mühlstein – Praying as a Liberal Jew

Wednesday 13 April: Rabbi Tanya Sakhnovich – Moving from words to action: Case studies in EcoSynagogue 

Wednesday 20 April: Rabbi Rebecca Birk – Remember that you were a stranger: Campaigning for a welcome for Syrian refugees

We are proud to make Education Hub classes available for free, to ensure that everyone has access. However, if you are able to, please consider making a donation to Liberal Judaism.

To register for the Education Hub, please click here.