[Course] Judaism and Islam: A Shared History

5 October 2021 – 29 Tishri 5782

Judaism and Islam course at the LJS

The Liberal Jewish Synagogue will host a new course, starting next week (Tuesday 12 October), looking at the shared history of Judaism and Islam.

It will be led by Rabbi Dr Michael Hilton, LJS Scholar in Residence, and Dr Harith Ramli, from Edge Hill University, Lancashire.

Learning will take place monthly on Tuesdays, from 8.10–9.30pm, with those wishing to attend able to do so either in person at the LJS (St John’s Wood) or online via Zoom.

The dates and seminar tittles are:

Tuesday 12 October – Joseph: the most beautiful of all stories
Tuesday 7 December – Pathways to God: Judaism and Islam as Religions of Law
Tuesday 25 January – TBC
Tuesday 1 March – TBC
Tuesday 10 May – TBC
Tuesday 14 June – The Rabbi Dr David J Goldberg Memorial Lecture, including a special reception in honour of the LJS’s late Rabbi Emeritus

The course is free for LJS members and friends and £10 per session for non-members.

To find out more and register for the first session, please click here.

To pay for the course please click here and use ref: festivals/your name.

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