Join tomorrow’s National Day of Reflection (23 March)

22 March 2021 – 9 Nisan 5781

Day of Reflection logo

Liberal Judaism’s Chief Executive Officer Rabbi Charley Baginsky has joined leaders from across different faiths to back a National Day of Reflection tomorrow (Tuesday 23 March)

The religious leaders are asking the public to join them to remember those who have died from any cause during the pandemic and show support for everyone who has been bereaved.

Spearheaded by the charity Marie Curie, and supported by the Together Coalition, more than 200 organisations are already behind the day.

Charley is one of 82 faith leaders who have signed an open letter backing the National Day of Reflection – including representatives of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, Reform Judaism, the Church of England, Catholic Union, Buddhist Society and Islamic Society of Britain, as well as Sikh, Hindu and Jain groups.

The letter states: “As faith leaders we know how important the ability to grieve properly is and how high the cost will be of our inability to do that. While we can’t turn back time, we can build opportunities to mourn as a nation.

“That’s why this Tuesday – on the anniversary of the first lockdown – we are asking the nation to join us in doing two things. To take a minute to reflect by taking part in the nationwide silence at noon, and then take a moment to connect; to reach out to someone you know is grieving and who might like your support.”

As part of the day the public are being encouraged to do two things; to join a minute’s silence at midday and take a moment to reach out to someone they know is grieving. The day will also be marked by bells tolling at 12:01, and prominent buildings and iconic landmarks will light up at 8pm across the UK.

Julie Siddiqi MBE, founder of Together we Thrive, coordinated the letter. She said: “As people of faith embedded in our communities, we have seen first-hand the scale of the loss over the past year. We have comforted so many who have lost so much.

“As a society we can’t fix that now, but we can make clear that we hold them in our hearts and prayers. That’s why this day is so crucial. A signal that we care about each other’s loses, but also encouragement to reach out and provide whatever healing balm we can.

“One of the few positives to come out of this crisis has been feeling more connected to our communities – if we are to deal with this new epidemic of grief we must now build on that.”

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