Progressive Jewish Students to run Careers Month in Feb

19 January 2021 – 6 Shevat 5781

PJS Careers Month

During February, Progressive Jewish Students will be running a Careers Month to inspire and reassure students about their job prospects post-university.

UK Ambassador to the Ukraine Melinda Simmons, BBC journalist Tim Franks and CEO of JW3 Raymond Simonson are among the speakers who will be talking to students about their journey to their current role.

Sessions will be running four evenings a week throughout February to give students the opportunity to gain insights into a wide range of careers. Other featured speakers include the founder of refugee charity the Bike Project, a lawyer, an artist, a civil servant and an academic.

Progressive Jewish Students Fieldworker Adi Rothman Berman said: “It is so important students are given this opportunity as they are in an incredibly difficult point of their lives, not helped at all by the pandemic. There is a general feeling of despair about the future, and job hunting is especially hard.

“The variety of speakers will help students understand that there are options for them and help them feel more optimistic and inspired about their futures.”

The careers month is being hosted by Progressive Jewish Students, a joint project of Reform and Liberal Judaism, with the sessions open to all university students of any background.

As well as listening to some truly inspiring speakers, attendees will also benefit from CV and interview sessions from the charity Work Avenue, plus tips on applying for graduate programmes given by representatives from Teach First and the Civil Service Fast Stream.

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