In the media: Rabbi Danny Rich on anti-Semitism and Labour

3 May 2016 – 25 Nisan 5776

Rabbi Danny Rich on Good Morning Britain

3 May 2016

Rabbi Danny Rich, Liberal Judaism’s senior rabbi, has made a number of media appearances over the last few days talking about anti-Semitism and the Labour Party.

Danny spoke out after he was left shocked by comments made by former London Mayor Ken Livingstone, including Livingstone’s assertion that Hitler had been a Zionist “before he went mad and ended up killing 6 million Jews”.

Danny, who is a long-term Labour member in a personal capacity, told ITV’s Good Morning Britain: “Ken Livingstone’s comments really were so offensive to the vast majority of the Jewish community – whether politically on the left or the right – it calls into question some of what is happening in Labour.

“Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn should now be reflecting, in my view, about whether to have a commission to look at this.”

You can watch the Good Morning Britain interview here (from 01:06:00)

In an interview with BBC Radio Five Live, Danny spoke about the suspension of Livingstone, as well as a number of Labour councillors, and again called for an enquiry into anti-Semitism – advice which has since been taken up by the party.

You can listen to Danny speaking to the BBC’s Nicky Campbell here (from 51:45)

Danny’s original statement on Ken Livingstone and anti-Semitism in the Labour Party – which can be read here – was also quoted by a number of UK and international media outlets, including:
The Guardian
The Times of Israel
The Daily Mail
The Jewish Chronicle

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