Your chance to see Israel anew and for free

28 February 2016 – 19 Adar I 5776

28 February 2016

UJIA Birthright, with Liberal Judaism and the Movement for Reform Judaism, has just launched a trip to Israel, to take place in August, for 19 to 26-year-olds.

For the first time, it will be open to those who have already been on Israel tour and, best of all, it is FREE.

Sophie Lipton, a student fieldworker for Reform Judaism, describes the trip as a way “to form life-long connections with a great group of people, Israel and Judaism”.

She wrote in the Jewish News: “When I had visited Israel as a teenager, one of my main interests was socialising. Returning as a young adult, I appreciated seeing cultural and political aspects of Israel, as well as enjoying all the fun of the trip. I felt the value of seeing something from the inside, of being part of it.

“How different this is to reading the news from afar. Listening to multiple points of view is very valuable and our Birthright trip this summer will explore them.

“This is a trip for first and second timers, a chance to see Israel anew and to reflect on what it means to you. It’s a chance to connect to Israel, Judaism and likeminded people.”

To read the full Jewish News article, go to

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