Twilight People announces Trans* and Faith Symposium

22 March 2016 – 12 Adar II 5776

22 March 2016

Liberal Judaism warmly invites its members to attend the Twilight People Trans* and Faith Symposium at the University of Warwick on Thursday May 5 from 9am until 5pm.

The event is open to all and participation is FREE of charge. Refreshments and lunch will be provided.

The purpose of the Symposium is to set a platform for dialogue across the religious/spiritual and LGBTQIA+ communities – allowing people to meet, share experiences and discuss trans and non binary gender issues in a faith context.

Capacity is limited, so members are encouraged to book their places early at

Twilight People also welcomes session proposals, with papers invited from across the heritage, cultural, academic and grassroots communities.

Papers/sessions can be from 10 minutes to an hour in duration and there will be a mix of panels, workshops, talks and debates.

All session/paper proposals must be submitted by midday on Tuesday March 29. For full details go to
The Symposium is another first for Twilight People, the ground-breaking project that discovers and celebrates the hidden history of trans and gender-variant people of faith in the UK past and present.

Photographs, recordings and artefacts collected by Twilight People were recently on display at Islington Museum, the first ever exhibition of its kind in the UK.

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