LJ Inter-Community Cyber Quiz set for Sunday 22 March

6 March 2020 – 10 Adar 5780

6 March 2020

On the evening of Sunday 22 March, 10 Liberal Judaism communities will participate in the LJ Inter-Community Cyber Quiz.

Joining hosts South Bucks Jewish Community and last year’s winners Dublin Progressive Jewish Congregation will be participants from Bedford, Birmingham, Brighton, Kent, Leicester, Nottingham, Three Counties and York.

Each will be convening in their own synagogue or hall – with all teams linked via the internet so that they answer the same questions at, more or less, the same time. The results from each venue are then transmitted to each of the other locations round by round.

David Silverstone, who is helping to organise the quiz, said: “If the experience of previous editions of this event are anything to go by, it will be a thoroughly fun evening for all participants. This is our way of making sure that Liberal Judaism’s far-flung communities can be linked together via an enjoyable event.”

There is still space for a couple more communities to join the quiz. If you wish to take part, please contact David on david@samtrad.co.uk.

  • Picture: Last year’s Cyber Quiz – hosted by South Bucks Jewish Community


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