Hebrew Teacher – FRS

16 February 2025 – 18 Shevat 5785

Progressive Judaism Vacancies

Salary: £79 per morning
Hours:​​​ Sundays in term time 9:00am – 12:30pm

Are you a passionate Ivrit teacher?
Are you looking to teach in a less traditional cheder?
Can you imbue our students with a love of learning of both Ivrit and Jewish life?

Finchley Reform Synagogue is looking for an experienced, energetic and enthusiastic Ivrit teacher to teach at Kochavim, our supplementary education programme for children aged 4 to 10 years old.

The success of our family-friendly education programme is based on the teamwork of all its teaching and support staff. As part of a committed and supportive team, you will be expected to provide differentiated support for all pupils in your classes, challenging and stimulating the children in all that they do.

  • Liaise with the Hebrew Co-ordinator to plan a scheme of work and lesson plans relevant to the content required.
  • Provide the Hebrew Co-ordinator with individual lesson plans at least two weeks ahead of each lesson, and ideally a half term ahead.
  • Confirm to the Youth and Education Manager any resource requests at least one week ahead of each session, and with more notice where possible.
  • Actively engage the madrichimot (assistant teachers) in the different teaching methods that can be employed in their classes
  • Engage with Kochavim attendees during assembly times, to ensure participation
  • Help to ensure a welcoming environment for chanichimot
  • Tikkun Olam. Contribute to sharing with the chanichimot the synagogue’s stance on tikkun olam and its importance throughout all youth initiatives at FRS as appropriate for all age levels.

Deadline for Applications: Thursday 27th February 2025
Interviews: Weeks commencing 3rd March and 10th March

To Apply

Download the application form and return to Karen.Bloom@frs.org.uk

More information

Karen Bloom: Karen.Bloom@frs.org.uk
Ravid Kochavi: Ravid.Kochavi@frs.org.uk

020 8446 3244