Tribute to Joan Shopper as she retires as LJ Marriage Secretary

26 November 2024 – 25 Heshvan 5785

Joan Shopper

Joan Shopper has retired as Liberal Judaism’s Marriage Secretary.

Liberal Judaism CEO, and Progressive Judaism Co-Lead, Rabbi Charley Baginsky said: “Joan has committed time and love to supporting the lifecycle moments of Liberal Jews over decades. The meaningful wedding ceremonies offered by our clergy were only possible because of her attention to detail, dedicated work behind the scenes and care for every individual.

“We owe an immense gratitude to Joan and, while so often she has been the unsung hero, I hope today she will hear us sing her praise from every corner of the country!”

By law, in order for Jews to marry religiously, they need to do this under the auspices of an organisation.

Historically this role has been assumed on behalf of the movement by The Liberal Jewish Synagogue (LJS) – with the position of Marriage Secretary being held by the same person/people for both. When Joan moved from the LJS to The Liberal Synagogue Elstree, she however continued at LJ’s marriage secretary.

With Joan retiring, the role will return to the LJS and be undertaken by Jonathan Bruck.

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