Join our new Progressive Judaism Chavruta Study Circle

9 October 2024 – 7 Tishri 5785

Progressive Judaism Chavruta Circle

Liberal Judaism and the Movement for Reform Judaism are offering all members of our communities the chance to take part in a year-long cycle of chavruta (learning in pairs) study.

Participants can sign up for our Progressive Judaism Chavruta Study Circle as a pair, or as an individual and we will match them up with a study partner.

Every week, we will provide all participants with some starting points, inspiration for the Torah portion of that week, and give them access to a tailor-made discussion board on which they can share ideas with other members of the circle.

Each chavruta pair will schedule their weekly study as suits them, either in person or online, and at whatever time they choose. Every week one chavruta pair will star in our ‘spotlight’ feature, if they wish to.

Throughout the year participants will also have the chance to take part in five exclusive online seminars led by inspiring Progressive rabbis and educators. The first seminar, led by Rabbi Eliott Karstadt of Alyth Synagogue, will take place on Tuesday 22 October.

The aim of the programme is to create community around a regular practice of text study. You can find more information on the programme in our FAQ.

Sign up for the Progressive Judaism Chavruta Study Circle here.

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