Rabbi Charley represents Jewish community at Abbey service

17 July 2024 – 11 Tammuz 5784

Rabbi Charley Baginsky at Westminster Abbey rehearsal

Progressive Judaism Co-Lead Rabbi Charley Baginsky gave a blessing on behalf of the Jewish community at Westminster Abbey – as part of a Service of Thanksgiving in the 30th Year of South Africa’s democracy.

The event marked three decades since the ending of Apartheid in South Africa and honoured Nelson Mandela and all those who worked so tirelessly on the long road to justice and equality.

Rabbi Charley (pictured at the rehearsal) based her words on a prayer by Rabbi Oded Mazor. You can read it below:

May the One who blessed our ancestors: Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob, Rachel, Leah, Bilhah and Zilpah bless all those who stand in defense of democracy, equality and peace all over the world and all those who work to repair society,

May their efforts be successful and may they have a good eye (to see wrongs done)
A good heart (so as not to stand idly by)
The strength to act to protect the rights of all.
To do justice and bring peace to every person made in the image of God in the world.
So that the words of Torah be fulfilled:
“For because of this thing God will bless you in all of your efforts and in all of your undertakings” (Deut. 15:10)

On behalf of the Jewish community may South Africa and all her peoples be blessed.

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