Student Rabbi Dr Hannah Altorf praised as she leaves Norwich

26 June 2024 – 20 Sivan 5784

Norwich farewell to Student Rabbi Dr Hannah Altorf

Norwich Liberal Jewish Community (NLJC) said farewell to Student Rabbi Dr Hannah Altorf, who has spent the last two years with the congregation.

A special Shabbat service was held where Student Rabbi Hannah was presented with a 250 year old Tselophachad Scroll fragment by NLJC founding member Philip Lawrence (pictured), and praised for her incredible contributions to the community. The piece of Torah is from the portion that talks about the daughters of Zelophehad.

Chair Linda Albin said: “Hannah’s warmth, wit and wisdom have brought our community to where it is today – stronger, more united and energised as we look forward to being part of a Progressive Movement which has at its core, Jewish values of justice and inclusivity, and opportunities for all.

“Hannah has taught us a lot about the importance of supporting one another and about the joy that can be derived from learning. Her singing and leyning took us to new heights and enhanced our services as we learned new tunes together, not always in tune, but hey, we did try!”

A particular highlight for the community was the setting up of a Beit Midrash, Hannah’s House of Study.

Linda added: “Not only has this proved invaluable to those who are aspiring to conversion, or just enjoy being part of our Jewish community, it has also provided a place to learn for those of us who are born Jewish, but perhaps know a lot less about Judaism than we might have thought.”

Student Rabbi Hannah told the community how the members of NLJC have given her so much.

She said: “You have allowed me to grow into the role, by giving me advice and hints, helping me out, allowing me to make mistakes and learn from them, by inviting me into your lives, by trusting me with your stories.

“You made it easy to follow the famous advice from Ben Zoma in Pirke Avot 4: ‘Who is wise? The person who learns from every human being.’

“I think, I hope, I will be a better rabbi because of all of you. And I know that I am going to miss NLJC and my monthly visits to Norwich much more than I yet realise.”

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