Supporting refugees and those seeking sanctuary

18 June 2024 – 12 Sivan 5784

YLJC Deputy and Liberal Judaism Officer Owen Power, YLJC Interfaith Lead Sarah Hubbard and Dee Boyle from York City of Sanctuary

Progressive Jewish communities have been taking part in Refugee Week, which celebrates the contribution, creativity and resilience of refugees and others seeking sanctuary.

This year, Menorah Outreach and Greater Manchester Jewish Action for Refugees held a joint meeting at Menorah Synagogue with a theme of ‘Our Home’.

Speakers included Tim Naor Hilton, Chief Executive of Refugee Action, Ben Gilchrist, Chief Executive Officer Caritas Shrewsbury, and Meiron Avidan, Integration Coordinator at HIAS+ JCORE.

Elsewhere, York Liberal Jewish Community marked the occasion by having a special non-perishable food collection. This was part of their ongoing interfaith and social action work to present to the York City of Sanctuary’s project supporting refugees in the city.

  • Pictured: YLJC Deputy and Liberal Judaism Officer Owen Power, YLJC Interfaith Lead Sarah Hubbard and Dee Boyle from York City of Sanctuary.

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