Join Yelala’s spring retreat for a Shabbat of song and connection

14 February 2024 – 5 Adar I 5784

Student Rabbi Yael Tischler and Kohenet Rachel Rose Reid will be running their Yelala spring retreat in Wiltshire from 5-7 April.

Student Rabbi Yael, who studies at Leo Baeck College, said: “The retreat will focus on connection, song, relaxation, and gathering up some skills and confidence to take radical Jewish ritual back into our everyday lives.

“Our weekend will contain accessible Shabbat celebration and contemplative singing, workshops around Jewish folklore and ritual practice that involve elements that we can take home and make our own, and a chance for the group to offer and share their own juicy skills and interests.

“The retreat programme reflects Progressive Judaism’s appreciation of the dynamic, developing character of our Jewish religious tradition, and our commitment to supporting each of us who embark on our personal Jewish journeys.”

For more information and to apply, click here.

Yelala is a constellation of projects which welcomes everyone and weaves rituals, learning experiences, song circles and more. It helps those who come into its circle to connect with their women/femme/folk Jewish ancestors, as well as the Earth and the Divine Feminine in Jewish tradition.

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