Progressive Rabbi leads multi-faith Peace Walk

23 January 2024 – 13 Shevat 5784

Peace Walk

Rabbi Alexandra Wright represented Progressive Judaism, as she led a Peace Walk in London.

With more than 30 ongoing conflicts around the world, particularly the current war in Israel and Gaza, the silent walk and vigil saw Rabbi Alexandra and other faith representatives share prayers and words calling for peace.

They also highlighted the fight against rising antisemitism and anti-Muslim hatred in the UK.

The event – which was facilitated by Plum Village Buddhists and the Quakers in Britain, and aligned to the Together for Humanity campaign – saw hundreds of people of all faiths and none walk in silence from Trafalgar Square to Parliament Square and back, carrying hand-made white flowers.

It was covered by national outlets including ITV, BBC radio and The Guardian. Click here to read The Guardian story, in which Rabbi Alexandra is prominently featured.

Offering a prayer at the start of the walk, Rabbi Alexandra – who is President of Liberal Judaism – said: “Human beings are not born with hatred in their hearts, but with the need for nurture and love, with a sense of wonder at the created world, with a yearning for harmony, beauty and peace.

“War hurts our hearts; the suffering of innocent human beings scars our spirits. In the noisy, decimating, chaotic theatre of war, a war that is geographically far from us, but whose conflict is felt even here like the ground ruptures of an earthquake, we stand together to mourn and weep for the dead; we stand with those who are bereaved and broken, with children, women and men who have lost homes and livelihoods, who are beset by fear and trauma, who are without hope.”

Rabbi Alexandra Wright (left) with other faith leaders

Rabbi Alexandra Wright (left) with other faith leaders on the London Peace Walk

She added: “We pray for those who are still held hostage and for their release from captivity; for the thousands in Israel and Gaza who have been displaced from their homes. We associate ourselves with all those who live with trauma and anguish, with uncertainty and despair.

“We pray for peace in the region, for the safe passage of humanitarian aid to all those who need it, for the wisdom and moral courage of world leaders, and for civility here in the UK and across the West, among those who may find themselves on opposite sides of this conflict.

“We stand together with all those who cherish a vision of freedom, justice and peace, who work for equality and understanding and seek to remove enmity and hatred.”

Opening faith representatives speaking at the event included Imam Asim Hafiz (Islamic Advisor, Ministry of Defence), Georgina Long (Brahma Kumaris), Rowena Loverance (Quaker and Chair of Churches Together), Mandip Singh (Sikh, Khalsa Jatha), Ven Canda (Buddhist monastic), Rehena Harilall (Buddhist, Plum Village UK) and Padideh Sabeti (Director of Office of Public Affairs, UK Bahá’í).

You can read all the speeches and prayers from the event here.

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