Resources, prayers and ideas to inspire your Chanukah

8 December 2023 – 25 Kislev 5784

Rabbi Miriam Berger (Finchley Reform Synagogue) and Rabbi Neil Janes (South Bucks Jewish Community) have put together an inspiring and thought-provoking pack of resources, prayers and ideas for Chanukah.

As well as liturgy for before and after lighting the candles and a reflection on the message of the festival, it also includes a way to use your dreidel to encourage conversations to take place around the table with friends, family and invited guests.

Rabbis Neil and Miriam said: “The Hebrew letters on the dreidel stand for ‘Nes Gadol Hayah Sham’ – ‘a great miracle happened there’, or ‘here’ if you’re in Israel. This year, we’re inspired by the message of hope that the lights bring – the story of Chanukah inspires us to reflect on the importance of our heritage as Jews, the freedom of religion, prayers for those held captive and the peace we yearn for in Israel, between the Palestinians and Israelis and in the whole world.

“We want to model how to see the humanity in one another and to hear the complexity of our experiences at this moment after 7 October 2023 and our pain and grief.”

Click here to download the Chanukah pack.

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