Liberal Judaism CEO Rabbi Charley Baginsky will represent Progressive Judaism when she speaks at the Israel Democracy Rally this Sunday in Trafalgar Square, London.
The event takes place from 3-5pm and we are aiming to form a Progressive Jewish bloc – so if you are attending/wish to attend, please send your contact details to so we can arrange to meet up (via a WhatsApp group).
The headline speaker for the event will be world renowned professor and best selling author Yuval Noah Harari, one of the most influential voices of the Israeli protest movement. Click here to read his recent article in the FT on why we all must join together to “prevent the rise of a Jewish supremacist dictatorship”.
Others addressing the rally will include Mika Almog – a writer, journalist, activist and granddaughter of late Israeli president Shimon Peres – and Masorti Judaism’s Rabbi Jeremy Gordon. The event will be hosted by Dr Sharon Shochat of Defend Israeli Democracy UK.
The rally is part of Democracy Engagement Week and sits alongside the protests that have been happening weekly across Israel and in 72 cities around the world.
Those attending are encouraged to bring Israeli flags, signs, drums and lots of friends!
Rabbi Charley Baginsky – along with Reform Judaism CEO Rabbi Josh Levy and Liberal Judaism Deputy Chair Karen Newman – today met with Yuval Noah Harari, in a meeting which was organised by Defend Israeli Democracy UK. She said: “We were all inspired by Yuval’s words and his leadership. He told how this is not just a crisis in Israel and for Israelis, but an existential crisis for Judaism itself. I am looking forward to speaking alongside him this Sunday and hope as many British Progressive Jews as possible can attend and support.”
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