Liberal Jew at Hereford Cathedral

28 September 2023 – 13 Tishri 5784

Hereford Cathedral School

By Alison Turner
Liberal Judaism Archivist

Earlier this year, I addressed the senior school assembly of Hereford Cathedral School… held in the Cathedral itself.

I spoke about lifelong learning, starting with my own schooldays when they said that the world was changing so fast they could not possibly teach us everything we needed to know. Instead, they taught us how to find things out and how to evaluate your sources, useful for life and central to my career as an information professional and Liberal Judaism’s Archivist.

I told how Liberal Judaism began by having Kabbalat Torah ceremonies at age 15/16, rather than bar/barmitzvah. Though the latter have now been reintroduced, youngsters are encouraged to stay on for Kabbalat Torah too. This is because those who finish learning about Judaism at 13 years old miss out on so much – such as Jewish mysticism.

I finished with the seven blessings from our Shabbat morning service as a good start to any day and an honour to recite in the Cathedral. It was a privilege to pray in such an exalted space and introduce others to our worship and history.

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