Consecration of new Liberal Judaism Woodland Cemetery

26 September 2023 – 11 Tishri 5784

GreenAcres Epping

A consecration will be held at the new Liberal Judaism Woodland Cemetery at GreenAcres Chiltern, Potkiln Lane, Jordans, Beaconsfield, Bucks, HP9 2XB, this Sunday (1 October).

Commencing at 11am (gathering in the Woodland Hall from 10.30am), prayers will be led by Rabbi Aaron Goldstein and Rabbi Dr Andrew Goldstein.

All are welcome and encouraged to attend this historic event, the first for Liberal Judaism in more than half a century.

GreenAcres Chiltern is a beautiful and peaceful woodland cemetery in the heart of the Buckinghamshire countryside. Its Woodland Hall, where funeral services for burials and also cremations are held, looks out to a view of the surrounding forest. As a cemetery it is quite different from the norm… and very special.

It is a Liberal Judaism tradition to hold a short consecration service when we open a new cemetery. The last such service was more than 50 years ago – so we hope as many people as possible can attend this one.

Following the consecration service there will be refreshments in the Meeting Hall, next to the Woodland Hall.

An article about the new cemetery, including initial Q&As about the practical arrangements, will be published shortly.

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