Progressive Judaism leaders meet with Shadow Minister

28 June 2023 – 9 Tammuz 5783

Lisa Nandy with Rabbis Charley Baginsky and Josh Levy

Rabbis Josh Levy and Charley Baginsky – the CEOs of Reform and Liberal Judaism – met with Lisa Nandy MP, the Shadow Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

They were invited to the House of Commons by the Shadow Minister, who was keen to find out more about the formation of Progressive Judaism – which will represent around 35% of British Jews – and what that will mean for the diversity and voice of the Jewish community.

They said: “We had an excellent meeting with Lisa Nandy, discussing the impact of having one united Progressive Jewish movement, the situation in Israel and Palestine and the reality of being a Jewish young person and student in the UK.

“We also had a lengthy discussion around our responses and concerns over the Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill, better known as the Anti-Boycott Bill.

“We are looking forward to working more closely with her, and politicians from all political parties, in the future.”

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