LJ120 Closing Ceremony highlights the best of Liberal Judaism

8 February 2023 – 17 Shevat 5783

LJ120 - Cross community choir in full flow

A celebratory event and mass sing-along showcased the very best of Liberal Judaism’s past, present and future as we closed out our 120th anniversary celebrations in style.

With 100 people in attendance at The Ark Synagogue, Northwood, and a further 200 watching on Facebook and YouTube, the LJ120 Closing Ceremony began with a recreation of the first Liberal service from 1902.

Rabbi Dr Andrew Goldstein dressed as Reverend Simeon Singer – who despite being an Orthodox minister led the prayers that day – with Rabbi Aaron Goldstein and Rabbi Rachel Benjamin playing the roles of Liberal Judaism founders Claude Montefiore and Lily Montagu.

Although Liberal Judaism’s founding rabbi, Rabbi Dr Israel Mattuck, was not represented – as he did not arrive until 1911 – his words also echoed throughout the day.

Rabbi Aaron Goldstein as Claude Montefiore

Rabbi Aaron Goldstein as Claude Montefiore

A poignant moment in the service came when Rabbi Aaron Goldstein recited Montefiore’s 1902 speech outlining the reasons for the creation of Liberal Judaism, almost of all which still apply.

He read: “We believe that there are many Jews in England who seldom or never attend a place of worship. It is possible that a new and attractive service may with the day for public worship and for religion. It is just possible that a few may be brought back from neglect to observance.”

Another key moment during the event saw a diverse panel from all over the country talk passionately about what makes them a Liberal Jew. Tanya Townsend, Bob Kirk, Ruth Seager, Paul Hyams, Karen Neman, Sophie Leapman, Shaan Knan and Rabbi Rebecca Birk described how they found a home in our movement, before inviting audience members to do the same.

Highlights also included Arzenu International Chair Rabbi Lea Mühlstein leading a discussion on Zionism and Israel, today’s rabbis including Rabbi Danny Rich sharing their reminiscences on leading Liberal rabbis of the past and an LJY-Netzer youth programme.

Rabbis Charley Baginsky and Andrew Goldstein

Rabbis Charley Baginsky and Andrew Goldstein

Throughout the event choirs and members from across Liberal Judaism came together to learn and sing tunes from the last 120 years – conducted by The Ark’s Musical Director Ruth Colin – with everyone invited to join in and end the day in song.

Liberal Judaism Vice President Rabbi Dr Andrew Goldstein, who was part of the organising committee for the day, said: “A mixture of nostalgia, discussion, learning and a re-affirmation of our special nature, this was a joyous celebration that fittingly ended with a good old Liberal Judaism sing-song.”

Liberal Judaism CEO Rabbi Charley Baginsky added: “These last 12 months have been an amazing chance to celebrate everything that Liberal Judaism has achieved. But this celebration was not only a pat on the back, but an amazing springboard into the future.

“Now we have the real challenge of ensuring that the generations that come are as proud of the next 120 years as we are of ours.”

Pictures by Keith Gold. See a full slideshow on our Facebook page.

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