Check in with someone on this Brew Monday

16 January 2023 – 23 Tevet 5783

Rabbi Charley Baginsky on Brew Monday

Liberal Judaism has joined other Jewish and faith organisations coming together on Brew Monday – encouraging people to reach out to others during a notoriously difficult time of year.

Organised by Mitzvah Day, and inspired by the Samaritans campaign of the same name, the initiative urges people to have a brew and check in with a friend, family member, neighbour or colleague, whether in person or virtually.

Taking place each year on the third Monday of January, Brew Monday has become a day to spread warmth, give emotional support and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health.

Liberal Judaism CEO Rabbi Charley Baginsky (pictured above) said: “It’s not the tea that’s in my cup that’s warming me this Monday, in the midst of the cold and the dark, but the thought that someone’s thinking of me. It can make such a difference just to know, so please reach out to someone today and let them know you’d love to share a cuppa with them.”

Ruth Seager on Brew MondayChair Ruth Seager (pictured left): added: “An invitation for a cuppa and a chat says a lot. It says: ‘I’m thinking of you; I want to know how you are; I would like to spend some time with you.’ Or it might say, I’m feeling in need of a bit of company, have you got time? The initiative of Mitzvah day to bring Brew Monday to our community is simple as it is effective.

“Sharing a cuppa in person, over the phone or by zoom not only makes a difference but is also a lovely way to spend some quality time together.”

Other faith organisations taking part in Mitzvah Day’s Brew Monday include the Board of Deputies, Centre of Reconciliation, Jewish Chronicle, Lincoln University Chaplaincy, Maccabi GB, Nisa-Nashim, Streetwise, UJS, Work Avenue and Unitas Youth Zone.

Mitzvah Day CEO Stuart Diamond said: “At a time when many of us are at our lowest – with a cost living crisis, grey skies above and end of year festivities now a distant memory – Mitzvah Day is supporting the Samaritans’ Brew Monday and bringing it to our faith communities.

“We hope that by this simple action checking in and sharing a drink with a friend or neighbour, we can all help to build a more connected and caring world.”

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