LJ rabbis on the AJEX Annual Remembrance Parade and Ceremony

16 November 2022 – 22 Heshvan 5783

AJEX Parade

The AJEX Annual Remembrance Parade and Ceremony at the Cenotaph on Sunday 20 November is a key event in the Jewish calendar. It is where all parts of our community come together to honour and remember the thousands of Jewish service members who served and fought for our freedom.

Many Liberal Jews are attending (you can still book tickets here) and our movement will be represented by Rabbi Rebecca Birk, Co-Chair of the Conference of Liberal Rabbis and Cantors.

Rebecca said: “I am so delighted to represent Liberal Judaism at the AJEX parade. Remembering with respect is a Jewish value. Zichoronam L’vracha: May their memories for for a blessing.

“We have much to honour and I am glad we continue to do so with energy and commitment.”

Liberal Judaism Vice Presidents Rabbi Dr Andrew Goldstein and Sharon Goldstein are long-term supporters of AJEX, which aims to continue remembrance of the Jewish contribution to the military, to combat antisemitism through education and to provide welfare for Jewish veterans and their families.

Andrew said: “Sharon and I recently represented Liberal Judaism at an event organised at the Tower of London, organised by AJEX, to mark the 100th anniversary of the publication of the massive Book of Honour – recording the names of all Jews who fought in the British military in the First World War.

“Part of the reason for its publication was to combat the claim that the Jews did not do their duty in the war. At a time increasing antisemitism it is still important to publicise the contribution the Jewish Community still plays in the life of our country. The AJEX Annual Remembrance Parade and Ceremony is an important way of doing this.

“My grandfather was killed First World War; Sharon’s caught in the trenches and in Egypt, both of our fathers in the Second World War – it means a lot to us.”

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