Now in its 6th year, Jami’s Mental Health Awareness Shabbat (MHAS) historically takes place to coincide with Parashat Bo.
However in 2023, Parashat Bo falls at the same time as Holocaust Memorial Day; so to commemorate this significant day Jami are bringing MHAS forward one week to Shabbat Parashat Va’eira on 20–21 January.
In Parashat Va’eira, Moshe tells the Jewish nation that their woes have ended and that redemption is at hand. This should have been a time of elation, but the Israelites were too overwhelmed by their own stresses to absorb this message. They had lost hope and could not imagine a positive future for themselves. Stresses in life may be inevitable but it is comforting to have hope that the future can bring our own personal redemption and in turn can bring us from darkness into light.
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