Leo Baeck College Lehrhaus – Free online talks

18 August 2022 – 21 Av 5782

Leo Baeck College is pleased to invite all members of Liberal Judaism to join three free online talks as part of its Lehrhaus adult education programme this autumn. You can register here.

Rabbi Tanya Sakhnovich
Monday 21 September: 7.30-9.00pm UK time

Join Rabbi Tanya for an exclusive talk about her and her family’s week long journey out of Kyiv at the beginning of the war, illustrated with photos and videos taken during their escape. During the talk, Tanya will share some of the history of the Jews of Ukraine and their fate during the Second World War through her own family’s story. What can a Jewish person learn about the importance of decision-making in the face of danger while repeating their family history 82 years later?

Rabbi Lea Mühlstein (pictured)
Wednesday 26 October: 7.30-9.00pm UK time

On 1 November, Israelis will be heading back to the polls for the fifth time in under four years. In this session led by Rabbi Lea Mühlstein, we will try to understand why Israel has so many elections and how the Israeli electoral system works. And then we will attempt to look ahead – who will be the likely winners and losers and what will this mean for the issues that progressive Jews care about?

Rabbi Lea Mühlstein
Thursday 17 November 2022: 7.30-9.00pm UK time

In this session chaired by Rabbi Lea Mühlstein, we will look at the results of the 1 November Israeli election and analyse what this will mean for the formation of a new Israeli government. Who will be the future Prime Minister? And what coalition will support that new Prime Minister? Will we see a comeback from Bibi Netanyahu? And what will this mean for the issues that progressive Jews care about?

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