LJ@120 Open House Shabbat at Kingston Liberal Synagogue

9 June 2022 – 10 Sivan 5782

Rabbi Dr René Pfertzel

The next LJ@120 Open House Shabbat will take place on Friday (10 June) at Kingston Liberal Synagogue.

Led by Rabbi Dr René Pfertzel (pictured), the service will start at 7pm and will be followed by a Chavurah Supper – where everyone is invited to bring a vegetarian or fish dish to share.

Those unable to attend in person are invited to watch live on YouTube here.

KLS Shabbat service

The Open House Shabbat initiative will see each Liberal Judaism congregation hold at least one Shabbat during the year, to celebrate our movement’s 120th anniversary, for which they will open their doors – whether in-person, online or both – to the rest of the Liberal Jewish world and beyond.

To find out more about Kingston Liberal Synagogue, please visit their website here.

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