Wednesday 1 June: The emerging role of Musar in contemporary Liberal Judaism

30 May 2022 – 29 Iyyar 5782

Rabbi Monique Mayer

Liberal Judaism’s Education Hub continues this Wednesday (1 June), as Rabbi Monique Mayer (pictured) and Rabbi Aaron Goldstein examine the emerging role of Musar in contemporary Liberal Judaism.

Taking place via Zoom on Wednesday nights at 7.30pm, all Education sessions are designed to stand alone, so you can attend as many evenings as you’d like.

To register for the Education Hub and receive the Zoom links, please click here. The schedule for this term, which is focussed on Liberal Jewish Thought, is below:

Wednesday 1 June: Rabbi Monique Mayer and Rabbi Aaron Goldstein – The emerging role of Musar in contemporary Liberal Judaism
Rabbi Monique Mayer is a Musar practitioner who has captivated many of us. This session will explore Musar’s potential for our movement.

Wednesday 8 June: Rabbi Michael Shire – Encountering Liberal Judaism and a new Hasidism
The new Hasidism of the 21st century has taken old pathways and reinvigorated them for our post-modern times. How do these intersect with an evolving Liberal Judaism? 

Wednesday 15 June: Rabbi Richard Jacobi – Say goodbye to ‘woolly Liberalism’
Wider events within the UK and around the world have revealed in the starkest terms why we and our world can no longer afford woolly Liberalism. But how do we toughen up our principles? 

Education Hub Logo

The previous sessions in this term were:

Wednesday 18 May: Rabbi Lea Mühlstein and Rabbi Elli Tikvah Sarah – Why Liberal Jews pray – watch here.

Wednesday 25 May: Rabbi Dr Judith Rosen-Berry and Rabbi Charley Baginsky – What’s new? Progressive thought and Liberal Judaism

The Liberal Judaism’s Education Hub Series has been celebrating 120 years of our movement this year. The first sessions took place in January and February looking at the people who have inspired us, from Lily Montagu and Rabbi Leo Baeck to Rabbi John Rayner and Rosita Rosenberg. The second term, which ran in March and April, examined how we practise – both in prayer and through the Liberal Jewish values of equality, inclusion and activism.

You can watch all previous sessions on Liberal Judaism’s YouTube channel, here.

We are proud to make Education Hub classes available for free, to ensure that everyone has access. However, if you are able to, please consider making a donation to Liberal Judaism.

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