Donate to WJR or WUPJ Ukraine Crisis Appeals

23 February 2022 – 22 Adar I 5782

WUPJ Ukraine Crisis Fund

World Jewish Relief (WJR) and the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) have launched Ukraine Crisis Appeals.

Tensions are mounting in Eastern Ukraine with over 150,000 Russian troops stationed on the border. The situation is escalating by the hour, with some troops having moved into the region.

War will be catastrophic for the vulnerable people WJR supports across Ukraine. The charity are in communication with partners across the country and will be responding to needs as they arise.

You can donate to the WJR appeal here.

The WUPJ has also launched an Ukraine Crisis Fund – asking people from all over the world to make donations towards the support of the Jewish community in Ukraine.

Money will be spent on individuals and communities to ensure their safety and wellbeing. If the conflict escalates further, the money raised will become crucial and necessary help for many people. If the tension eases, the fund will be spent on the development of the progressive Jewish community in Ukraine.

You can donate to the WUPJ fund here.

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