John Kampfner to deliver Lionel Blue Lecture 2021

14 October 2021 – 8 Heshvan 5782

Lionel Blue lecture

The journalist and author John Kampfner will deliver Leo Baeck College’s annual Lionel Blue Lecture, to honour the memory of one of Britain’s best-loved Progressive rabbis and raise much-needed funds for the College.

John will be in conversation with author and sociologist Dr Keith Kahn-Harris on topics including UK politics, global affairs, education, business and the arts.

He will draw on his fascinating career, which began as a foreign correspondent reporting from East Berlin on the fall of the Wall and unification of Germany, and then in Moscow at the time of the collapse of Soviet Communism. John went on to become Chief Political Correspondent at the FT and political commentator for the BBC’s Today programme and Newsnight as well as Editor of the New Statesman.

Writing weekly for the Times and regularly in other newspapers such as The Guardian and New European, he has in addition, made a number of programmes for BBC Radio 4 and World Service, frequently appearing on the BBC, Sky and other media.

John has won numerous awards authored many books including Why the Germans Do It Better, Blair’s Wars and Freedom For Sale.

The event will help to raise the £500,000 Leo Baeck College needs each year to continue its work as the beating heart of Progressive Judaism in the UK, training our rabbis and educators.

The lecture will take place via live stream with a limited number of in-person guests. To book your place and/or make a donation, please click here.

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