[Course] Forgotten Lives: Jewish Women Through The Ages

6 October 2021 – 30 Tishri 5782

Forgotten Lives

Liberal Judaism, in partnership with its synagogues, is proud to present a new online course starting next week (Wednesday 13 October), which will explore the many different contributions that Jewish women have made through the ages.

Running as part of the Liberal Judaism Education Hub, sessions are designed to stand alone, so you can attend as many evenings as you’d like – from one to all of them!

All sessions are held on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Please register by clicking here.

The dates and seminar details are:

Wednesday 13 October: Otti Berger
Rabbi Michael Shire, of Hebrew College Boston, will talk about the ‘master weaver’ of the Bauhaus, who was the first person to patent a fabric.

20 October: Rabbi Regina Jonas
Rabbi Lea Mühlstein, of The Ark Synagogue (NPLS), will explore the story of the first woman to be ordained as a rabbi.

27 October: Licoricia of Winchester
Rabbi Jackie Tabick, of West Central Liberal Synagogue, will introduce the most important Jewish woman of medieval Britain.

3 November: Helen Suzman
Rabbi Richard Jacobi, of East London and Essex Liberal Synagogue, will talk about the South African anti-apartheid campaigner and politician.

10 November: Jerusha Jhirad
Rabbi Dr Margaret Jacobi, of Birmingham Progressive Synagogue, will introduce the Indian physician and founder of the Jewish Religious Union in India.

17 November: Eva Kotchever
Rabbi Charley Baginsky, Chief Executive Officer of Liberal Judaism, will talk about the life and work of the Polish-Jewish émigré librarian and writer.

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